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Lung Decortication or Lung removal??

Lung Decortication
Lung Decortication
Bombing or Lung Decortication is a surgical procedure that removes a restrictive layer of fibrous tissue that covers the lungs , chest wall and diaphragm.

The purpose is to remove this layer decortication and allow Lung Decortication. When you remove the skin after Lung lobectomy, declarations of conformity of the chest wall , the lung is able to expand and deflate , and symptoms of patients improve quickly.

In most people ,Lung Decortication in the pleural space is less than 1 mm thick. When this space is violated by a number of pathological conditions , the distribution of certain cells and Lung removal  fluid can be changed, with serious medical consequences .

 A common disease process that affects the pleural space is fibrothorax ,Lung Decortication which is an abnormal accumulation of fibers in lung tissue or visceral pleura Lung lobectomy  . The fibrous tissue is deposited in the lung parenchyma can be so intense that the underlying lung is not developed . Over time, the lung is trapped or blocked.

Although decortication is an effective Lung Decortication  technique for this disease , its success depends on careful patient selection . As in all Lung removal thoracic surgical procedures , preoperative evaluation should be complete and the surgery should be done at a certain time of Lung Decortication .

In addition , the surgeon must be technically qualified to enter the trunk and remove the shell. In some cases , the intercostal space is melted and is almost impossible to Lung removal  enter the chest cavity .

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