Lung decortication |
Lung deortication
Lung decortication
Mesothelioma is a dangerous disease, with rapid growth in the current generation.What is Mesothelioma? Mesolthelioma is a form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is made up of tiny fibers , often used for insulation in homes , schools and other buildings treated by lung decortication.
This disease attacks the lining of the heart , lungs and abdomen.
Since asbestos was found in building material bases , the persons at risk of mesolthelioma are largely , but not exclusively lung decortication , the construction workers who build our buildings through the seventies.
The danger of using this natural mineral or was generally poorly understood or ignored by health authorities lung decortication . One of the dangers of the disease is that the symptoms are similar to those of the general aging , and many people tend to ignore them until more severe symptoms occur and potentially fatal lobectomy lung .
There are several types of malignant mesothelioma .
Lung decortication |
There are two types of lung decortication that is commonly performed to treat this disease , which involve the removal of parts of the lungs . The first operation is called pleurectomy / decortication , lobectomy lung which is the removal of part of the lining of the lungs to lung removal.
The second lung decortication is called extrapleural pneumonectomy . In diaphragm, pericardium and the whole lung can be eliminated in order to completely lung removal.
Peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the abdominal wall can cause stomach pain , weight loss , nausea , vomiting , hernia , fluid in the abdominal cavity lung decortication or a mass in the abdomen.
Known as lung decortication can be performed during which the doctor will open the abdomen to remove the entire tumor .
Pericardial mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the heart is very rare ,lobectomy lung can cause difficulty breathing and chest pain . A lung decortication procedure called extrapleural pneumonectomy can be performed to remove the tumor.
Yet pericardial mesothelioma,lobectomy lung , peritoneal and pleural radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also options .
Today, the government passed strict laws that restrict and prohibit the use of asbestos in building materials . The removal of asbestos products in existing lung removal buildings is also highly regulated .
Get the latest news on mesothelioma and symptoms caused by them and the preventive measures to combat the problems caused by this deadly disease so doing lung decortication is the best.
And eating and exercising habits to follow to completely cure the lobectomy lung.
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