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Lung decortication is the best choice for cancer in lungs

Lung decortication
Lung decortication

Lung decortication

Lung decortication

 Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer . In most cases , the prognosis is very poor at the time of diagnosis for lung decortication.

Patients usually have no lobectomy lung more than twelve months to live after a positive diagnosis of mesothelioma. Therefore, lung decortication options for this type of disease and rapidly develop aggressive disease are quite limited. Mesothelioma is generally a palliative treatment.

In other words  lobectomy lung, the goal of treatment is simply to highlight the symptoms of pain associated with mesothelioma patient lung decortication. There is no hope to cure the patient 's disease for several reasons for lung removal:

1- diagnosis occurs late in the disease development lung decortication . At diagnosis was hopeless for the patient.

2- the development of the disease lobectomy lung is very fast and affect important organs such as the heart and lungs.


Or lung decortication surgery involves the removal of all or nearly all visible tumor. In the case of mesothelioma, this is combined with systemic chemotherapy to give a more efficient removal of cancerous cells.

 Some lung removal for completely cure the patient , especially if the cancer is still localized. In most other cases, lobectomy lung can have a palliative effect reducing the cancerous mass . The types of surgical routines used to treat mesothelioma are following  lung decortication:

(A) Pleurodesis :lung decortication insertion of an irritant into the pleural cavity causing inflammation, this closes Malthus prevent the accumulation of fluid in the pleural space ( pleural effusion) .
Lung decortication
Lung decortication

More associated with symptoms of pleural mesothelioma can be reduced with this method for a while . A thoracoscope is used for this.

(B) or lung decortication of peritonectomy : removal of part of the lining of the chest or abdominal wall ( Depending on the location of the cancer).

(C ) lobectomy lung  removing all or part of the membrane that covers a body .

(D) pneumonectomy lung decortication : removal of the entire affected lung ( in most cases , lung mesothelioma develops in a single order for the removal of the lungs that can cure the patient, lobectomy lung the cancer has not spread ) .


Chemotherapy involves administering drugs that destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy in the treatment of mesothelioma can have the following objectives:

1.The lung decortication of the tumor before surgery (chemotherapy neo - adjuvant ) .

2. the destruction of cancer cells after surgery ( adjuvant).

3. increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy ( immunotherapy) .

Chemotherapy is also used in cases where the cancer cells have spread beyond the original site of occurrence. lung decortication is also used when the patient is not a candidate for surgery .

The drug most commonly used for mesothelioma is pemetrexed which is an inhibitor of many proteins that are required for DNA synthesis and cell replication lobectomy lung.

Chemotherapy has many side effects lung decortication, because the process of destroying cancer cells from healthy cells are damaged.


This is the treatment of cancer with high-energy beams of penetration. In the case of mesothelioma , radiation can be used in combination with surgery to treat or verify the severity of symptoms .

 An example of radiation is intensity modulated radiotherapy ( IMRT) ,lung removal which uses computer generated images directly attack cancer cells with limited effects on the surrounding tissues . Lung decortication.

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