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Keloids treatment of the skin keloid by the silicone scar sheets.

Keloids treatment
Keloids treatment


The proliferation of normal healing of tissues resulting process skin keloid extends beyond the borders of the original wound.

 Keloids treatment :- Keloids are often resistant to treatment and recidivism rates .
Many methods of treatment, including surgical excision , cryotherapy , pressure therapy , intralesional injection of corticosteroids , radiotherapy, silicone gel sheets topical and laser therapy have been adopted for Keloids treatment , suggesting that no method has emerged as the accepted norm .

Previously,Keloids treatment in our group reported great experiences skin keloid area . Morbidity associated with the participation of these anatomical locations typically include itching , pain , tenderness and cosmetic disfigurement .

In this retrospective study of Keloids treatment, we present our experiences with skin keloid of the foot. Some common characteristics of skin keloid are at the heart of savers foot ( skin keloid) and ulceration . They also tend to cause a secondary infection, contracture and limited range of motion , leading to severe functional problems . To the authors' knowledge , however,Keloids treatment  have been few reports of this case study provided

The criteria for Keloids treatment by inclusion and exclusion and the study design

Keloids treatment with surgical resection followed by a full-thickness skin graft in combination with postoperative steroid injections combined with silicone gel cover for a period of eight years from December 2004 to November 2012 Kangbuk Samsung Hospital , Seoul , Korea.

Patients with permanent skin keloid admitted to our institution for surgical Keloids treatment were included in this study based on several criteria:

1-the presence of clinically definite skin keloid scars on the back foot treated by silicone scar sheets.

2 - provided for performing a surgical resection with skin graft full thickness

3- the patient can understand and respect adjuvant corticosteroid injection treatment.

 Patients were excluded if they were not available for follow-up or, if no histological confirmation was obtained. All patients gave their consent to the last follow-up 12 months after Keloids treatment.

Keloids treatment was analyzed , including the patient's age , overall size, sex, etiology, history of prior treatment modality , frequency and clinical photographs .
The surgical technique and postoperative care

All surgical Keloids treatment procedures were performed under general anesthesia . We excised keloids foot ( silicone scar sheets) with 2-3 mm free until we have achieved moderate bleeding from the surrounding normal skin tissue surgical margins . The bleeding was controlled with bipolar coagulation .

 Then, we measured the size of the defect , we closed the defect with skin graft taken total thickness of the groin area . Skin grafts can be designed generally elliptical shape , and when the harvest , try not to damage the surface layer of fat underneath.

Keloids treatment after cutting the adipose tissue tangential to the skin, the skin approached the area of ​​the defect obtained son with 2-0 silk suture by silicone scar sheets .

was applied compression bandage head to optimize the revascularization process for approximately 6-7 days. All skin keloid were sent for histological examination to confirm the clinical diagnosis.

 The dressings were removed 6-7 days after the first transplant. All patients were seen 10-14 days after Keloids treatment by surgery to remove the items and return to about 1 , 2 and 3 months after surgery for corticosteroid injections.

Keloids treatment

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