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Fitness monkey and fitness monkey bar

Fitness monkey  for children, exercise means playing and being physically active, as in gym class at school, soccer practice or dance lessons. Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. A child who is active will:

    They feel less stressed fitness monkey
    Feel better
    Be more attentive in school
    Maintain a healthy weight
    Build and maintain healthy bones, fitness monkey muscles and joints
    Sleep better at night

In addition, regular exercise helps children  fitness bar monkey cope with the physical and emotional challenges that a typical day this if it means running to catch a bus, bending over to tie a shoe, or studying for an exam fitness monkey .

Parents should encourage their children to a variety of activities for them to work on the three elements of fitness, namely: fitness bar monkey (1) strength, (2) the strength and (3) flexibility.


Fitness bar monkey Resistance develops when a person participates regularly in aerobic activities. During aerobic exercise fitness monkey , the heart beats faster and a person breathes harder. 

When done regularly and for continuous periods of time, aerobic activity strengthens the heart and improves the body's ability to carry oxygen to all the cells.
Fitness bar monkey is to:

Examples of aerobic activity include: basketball, fitness bar monkey cycling, football, swimming and athletics. In the language of the child, the resistance is like "flee the child who is"  fitness monkey it "for a game of tag."


Improved strength does not mean lifting weights. Push-ups, sit-ups, push-ups and other exercises to tone and strengthen muscle fitness monkey . Kids also incorporate strength activities in their play when they climb, fitness bar monkey do a handstand, or wrestle. In the language of the child, the force is necessary to "clear the bar."


Stretching exercises help improve flexibility fitness monkey , allowing muscles and joints to bend and move easily through its full range of motion. Children are opportunities every day to stretch when it comes to getting a toy out of reach, practice a split, or to turn on the couch. 

In the language of children, flexibility is what is necessary to "bend to tie his shoes."

Thirty to sixty minutes of exercise a day is enough fitness monkey to strengthen bones and muscles and prevent children from becoming overweight  . Parents can set a good example by being active themselves. Exercising together can be fun for everyone.

 Competitive sports can help kids stay physically active. Walk or bike to school, bowling, dancing and swimming are other fun ways for kids to exercise fitness monkey .

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